DigLab Foundation is a small not-for-profit organization that encourages people all over the world to investigate wrongdoing. We would like to recognize, chronicle and promote Citizen Investigation as a global movement.  

Our goal is to give ordinary citizens a toolkit to dig where they stand -- to uncover wrongdoing in their own communities.  

We believe that through training and mentorship from veteran investigators, we can help people discover extraordinary things and make impact on their communities.  We are focused on helping people dig into corruption, environmental crimes, police misconduct, and other wrongdoing. 

Citizen Investigators across the world are already doing this, of course.  Often in the face of hostile governments and businesses, they are doing the courageous early digging, then handing the results to journalists, regulators, prosecutors and NGOs.  To inspire others, we are gathering their stories.

We insist that every member of our movement agree to strict standards of accuracy and fairness.  We think of all people as citizens, regardless of place of birth or legal status.  We are non-partisan -- what we seek is to inspire action.

Dig where you stand.